Mazuri GameFi

ConsoleDesign DocumentsEconomicsMarketingProject ManagementUIUX

Mazuri racing game gameplay screenshot


Mazuri is an open-world brawler MMORPG similar to GTA and Cyberpunk with unique web3 elements. As the team's Lead Producer and Marketer, I am responsible for developing and executing our current roadmap and growing our audience. Because MMOs take a lot to launch, I am focused on designing monetization mechanics that will demonstrate Mazuri's positive ROI to investors, giving us additional growth support. With significant monetary investments and an active core audience playtesting our closed early access builds, we already have exciting features and data to build on. We are well positioned to grow and our latest early access events have hit recoup numbers that we are excited to share with investors.


WEB3 ONBOARDING (Design Doc, Economy, Onboarding)

Many traditional gamers are rightfully afraid of crypto games, with so many scams and unfinished projects that never launch on the market. I decided that the only way Mazuri will capture the traditional gamer market is to lean into this issue rather than ignore it. I developed a zero-risk investment policy to collect a one-time upgrade after your first 'Coach' NFT purchase.

How it works:

  1. Use Mazuri's in-game wallet tool to create a crypto wallet and deposit $1.
  2. Give your $1 to Mazuri's in-game trading bot, which will automatically buy and sell the Coach NFT at the same price in seconds (with the guarantee to receive $1 back + a permanent %5 stat boost).
  3. The auto-trader bot will buy and sell the Coach NFT at a set price, for example, $1.
  4. You now have a permanent 5% stat boost and your original $1 back, free to withdraw back into your bank as you wish or to spend on additional content.

Traditional game designers will know that the hardest part of microtransactions is getting users to load funds onto their in-game wallet, especially for the first time. Money already in-game is easily spent. By giving gamers a unique, zero-risk option to improve their in-game experience, we hope to convert many first-time crypto gamers into loyal customers. The number of NFTs in circulation will remain just below our active audience count so that demand continues to rise and value does not stagnate, creating safe growth for the NFT's price. 


FEATURE: COMPANION (Design Doc, Sales)

Our existing celebrity partnerships were losing untapped potential so I designed and proposed a feature that allows celebrities to connect directly with our player base. Players gain meaningful stat boosts and additional cosmetic upgrades for purchasing their favorite celebrity fighter. Best of all, this feature had a low development cost compared to some of the larger features we were planning and our current audience will have just as much fun trading NFTs out-of-game as they will testing the current early access build.

I also developed the pitch documentation for our celebrity investment calls, including design mockups and projected ROI for the celebrity.


FEATURE: RACING (Design Doc, PM, Prototyping)

Built with rapid prototyping in mind, the ghost mechanic saved development costs and provided players with a quick multiplayer win. My original Racing Feature design document included head-to-head multiplayer but, when the development team sent me a breakdown of their development timeline, I added a 2-day ghost feature implementation which put the Racing Feature in the hands of gamers in 1/3 of the time that the original feature would. The quick win of having a multiplayer feature released 1-2 months early was huge for our player base, but it was also big for us — now we have valuable feedback about the look and feel of the early racing prototype so we can iterate faster.


FEATURE: QUESTS (Design Doc, Economy)

The Speedrun mechanic was built to retain the competitive segment of our audience, offering leaderboard champions the rewards that all players staked when taking a shot at the leaderboard. I designed the leaderboard structure, payout, and entry cost: the economics of the system. 



I designed the game's overall feature map, drafted an economic model, and reworked the main character progression system using strikes (fighting moves) as the basis of our economy in order to lengthen our content retention timeline.



I implemented a new project management tool to increase team efficiency. I developed 3 separate roadmaps that develop 3 separate features simultaneously instead of allowing all of our developers to work on one feature at a time. While less efficient on paper, I learned that development needs change often, and creating two teams that focus solely on key features enables us to give the third team our urgent fires. This has the obvious benefit of keeping development on track for our key features, useful for marketing roadmaps and investment planning.

Mazuri Website

- Project Management
- Production Planning
- UX Design
- Marketing